From November 18, 2005 through January 20, 2007, I hosted The Community Admin Show, a podcast about random community management related issues. I tackled all sorts of issues, talked about resources and even had some fun features, like what we can learn from Jack Bauer and Dr. Gregory House about community management.

Another great part of the show was the interviews. I talked to experienced community administrators and other smart people, including Darren Rowse of ProBlogger, Cynthia Mosher of MotheringDotCommunity, Jeremy Wright of b5media, Pete Murray of ScubaBoard, Jonathan Bailey of PlagiarismToday and others.

As the podcast site was taken offline a while back, the shows no longer appear to be online for listening. So, I thought that I might start posting them here, episode by episode. Is that something that anyone would want? Please let me know. Thanks.