8 Years of ManagingCommunities.com!

Credit: Elliott Brown (CC BY 2.0)
I launched ManagingCommunities.com 8 years ago. At that point, I had been managing online communities for about 8 years (and moderating them for 10). After 5 years in development and approximately 100 publishers who didn’t want to publish a book about community, Managing Online Forums was about to be released. I decided I wanted to start writing about community regularly.
Even after all this time, I still keep a close eye on mentions of my work, and it still means a lot to me when something I wrote helps someone. Thank you to everyone who has been supportive of my work. If you’ve shared it, provided a thoughtful comment or a kind word in private, that means you.
Looking forward, I am planning to make some changes to this website. It needs a new design, and probably the biggest part of that will be completely overhauling how information is organized. It’s badly needed. It’ll take some time to make these changes, but I am really excited about them.
Thank you for 8 years of ManagingCommunities.com!