Whether you manage your community full time or as a hobby, your ability to generate revenue can have a direct impact on the long term feasibility and stability of your community.

For some, managing a community may be a hobby – but, nonetheless, a hobby that may take time away from your job or other areas of your life and may also cost money, in the form of software, hosting, domain names and more.

For others, managing a community can become a full time job and full time jobs can’t usually be hobbies as you need to live, advance and to accomplish your goals in life, as you would with any profession.

Regardless of your situation, it is a worthwhile endeavor to educate yourself on the various methods that you can utilize to generate revenue so that you can decide what, if anything, is appropriate for your community. Discretion is important.

That’s the focus of this series of posts that will cover the myriad of ways that you can generate revenue and arm you with the information needed to decide what will work best for you.

As posts within this series are made, this original post will be updated to include links to them. If you have any suggestions for methods that I should cover or would like to share what has worked for you, please contact me. Thanks.


Why Generate Revenue From Your Online Community?